1. By a quirk of fate, Humboldt and Bonpland met Mariano Luis de Urquijo, Prime Minister of Spain, who was able to obtain for them the permission to visit the Spanish empire in South America.

2. We are planning an outing for next Sunday.

3. They are planning to divert the river to supply water somewhere else.

4. Their government granted them permission to leave the country.

5. The Japanese are eager to move forward and Westerners, perhaps, lag behind as they take the time for in-depth planning.

6. Two years ago, a 15-member team at the 115-year-old teaching hospital, under pressure to cut costs from a health maintenance organization (HMO), was given permission by the hospital's top manager to find a way to get the tube removed sooner.

7. To test such theories, an institute is planning to take 300 psychics and scientists on a cruise into the triangle.

8. No one wanted to take the responsibility for permitting an operation, yet no one would give permission to stop feeding the patient entirely.

9. He had spent eighteen years in planning for that wonderful voyage which he made across the Atlantic Ocean.

10. You have my permission to leave.